Branding: Pitney Bowes

Pitney Bowes is a 100-year old brand that is committed to removing complexity from commerce. They’re integral to the buying and selling of goods and services in a borderless and hyper-connected world. They enable billions of transactions globally for millions of clients, from the Fortune 100 to solopreneurs.

Establishing the Brand/Guidelines

As part of the core branding team, I helped lead global creation and integration.

  • Created, established and administered brand guidelines on a global level

  • Led creative strategy and best practices (see Creative Expressions)

  • Created and administered an invite-only digital asset management system to disseminate assets internally and for approved vendors.

  • Co-created the Language Library, which is a repository of preferred terms and language to be used when talking about/on behalf of Pitney Bowes.

Tone of Voice: Oversight + Creation

A core focus of my brand role at Pitney Bowes was to ensure consistent interpretation of not only what was said but how it was said.

  • Oversaw marketing vehicles across all business units

  • This ensured that from web to video, from cut sheet to brochure, from event to sales pitch, the company was speaking in the same tone of voice

Creative direction + Copywriting

My small, determined team strived to have every piece look, feel and sound like the reimagined  Pitney Bowes brand.


Branding: Cigna